
Siberian Larch Cladding: Beauty from Siberia

Every day, we focus on timber cladding, and we want to share helpful tips and information about different types of wood. Today, let’s talk about Siberian larch timber.

Siberian larch is a type of wood that we like, and many people choose it for the outside of buildings. Check out our selection of Siberian larch cladding to see how you can use this wood to make your building look amazing.

This wood comes from the forests of Siberia in Russia, and it’s great for your building. Keep reading to master why it’s so special.

Appearance, Durability & Properties of Siberian Larch

Siberian larch is a type of wood that many people like to use for covering buildings because it looks nice. It has a special appearance with pretty colors and textures, especially the rings that show how the tree grew. When it’s new, it’s a light yellow or golden brown color, but as it gets older, it turns a beautiful silvery grey, although people can change this color by treating or staining it.

It grows slowly and is a kind of softwood, but it’s very dense (that means it’s heavy for its size). It’s one of the hardest softwoods you can buy. It’s even harder than Scots Pine, which is another popular type of wood. This makes it great for use outside on buildings because it’s tough and lasts a long time. It’s not just good for covering buildings though, it’s also used for making things like doors, decks, and floors.

Because Siberian larch wood is very strong, it doesn’t get easily damaged by hits, scrapes, or scratches like other types of wood. This is useful for covering the outside of buildings.Siberian larch wood can be cut and shaped easily, which makes it a good choice for building things.

siberian larch cladding

Siberian Larch Wood Cladding Maintenance and Treatment

Siberian larch is a type of wood that’s easy to take care of because it has special qualities. It contains resin, which helps protect it from rot and decay, so you don’t have to do much to keep it in good shape. Even though it’s a softwood, it’s quite dense, which means you don’t need to spend too much time maintaining it.

However, there are still things you can do to make sure your Siberian larch lasts a long time. If you leave the wood without treating it, it might start to wear out faster, especially when it’s exposed to things like sunlight, snow, and ice. So, it’s a good idea to give it some attention to keep it in the best condition possible.

Although all timber and building materials are going to change over time, it’s important to keep them protected. Weathering and degradation are natural aspects of natural materials, but if treated effectively, this can be controlled and limited. This means your timber will last the test of time and remain in great condition.

Siberian Larch Wood Cladding Cost & Prices

If you want to know how much it costs to use Siberian larch wood for cladding, you need to consider a few things. To get the best price, you should ask our experts for a quote. They’ll need to know how much wood you’ll need, the measurements, and other details to give you an accurate price. We care about giving you the best deal, so it’s a good idea to get a quote from us before you start your project.

Our team can also help you understand how the price of timber cladding is decided and might suggest different types of wood for your project. This is a helpful service that will make sure you get the results you want. Our team can also talk to you about how to organize your build and make sure you have everything you need.

We’ve used Siberian larch and other types of wood for lots of different building projects. So, you can trust us to help you choose the right one for your project.

Fixings and Installation

Siberian larch is a really good wood to work with. When you’re using it, make sure to use high-quality stainless steel fixings. This helps prevent rust and marks on the wood. Sometimes, people don’t think much about the fixings, but with Siberian larch, it’s important to pay attention to every detail, from the fixings to the overall design, to make sure everything looks and works great.

When fixing the wood, we recommend using ring shank nails. These nails have rings around them, which gives them extra grip and support. Make sure the nails are about 2 to 2.5 times longer than the thickness of the wood board. This way, they’ll hold the cladding and the batten together really well.

Siberian larch wood can easily split when nailed, so it’s a good idea to drill holes before attaching it to the wall.

It’s usually better to have a professional install timber cladding. They can do it carefully to avoid damaging the cladding and make sure each panel fits together correctly.

siberian larch wood

Tips for Using Siberian Larch Timber

Siberian larch wood has a lot of sticky stuff called resin, so it takes a while to dry properly. That’s why it needs to dry slowly and have enough time to be just right before you use it for building. It’s really important to make sure the wood is completely dry before you start putting it up on walls. Our Siberian larch wood is dried in a special oven called a kiln, which makes sure it dries evenly. This is good because it means all the wood we use for your project is top-notch quality.

It’s a good idea to check out examples and stories about Siberian larch and other types of wood. Looking at how they’re used in real buildings can help you imagine what you want for your project. Siberian larch and other woods can be used to cover the outside of a building in different ways, like up and down, side to side, or even at angles. So, it’s worth checking out other projects similar to yours to get a better idea of how you want your cover to look.


What is Siberian larch cladding and what makes it unique?

Siberian larch cladding is a type of exterior siding made from the wood of the Siberian larch tree. What makes it unique is its exceptional durability, natural resistance to decay, and striking appearance with a warm, golden hue.

How does Siberian larch cladding perform in various climates and weather conditions?

Siberian larch cladding performs exceptionally well in various climates and weather conditions. It is known for its ability to withstand extreme temperatures, high humidity, and heavy precipitation without warping, rotting, or deteriorating. Its natural oils and resins provide excellent protection against moisture and fungal decay.

What are the benefits of using Siberian larch cladding for exterior applications?

The benefits of using Siberian larch cladding for exterior applications are numerous. It offers outstanding durability, long-term stability, and resistance to decay, making it an ideal choice for both residential and commercial buildings. Additionally, its attractive appearance adds warmth and character to any architectural design, while its sustainability and renewability make it an environmentally friendly option.

How does Siberian larch compare to other wood species commonly used for cladding?

Siberian larch compares favorably to other wood species commonly used for cladding, such as cedar and redwood. It is often preferred for its superior durability, resistance to decay, and lower maintenance requirements. While cedar and redwood also offer natural beauty, Siberian larch stands out for its ability to maintain its appearance and structural integrity over time, even in harsh outdoor conditions.

What maintenance is required for Siberian larch cladding, and how does it age over time?

Siberian larch cladding requires minimal maintenance to keep its appearance and performance intact. Periodic cleaning with mild soap and water, along with inspection for any signs of damage or wear, is typically all that’s needed. Over time, Siberian larch will naturally weather to a silver-gray patina, adding to its rustic charm while still retaining its structural integrity and protective qualities.